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Where do Drywood Termites Come From

Chrishen Sithu

Writer & Blogger

Where do Drywood Termites Come From

Termites are nature’s recyclers. They are genetically engineered to get rid of dead wood. If not for termites our forests will be over flowing with decaying wood. As it’s impossible for us to avoid wood in our homes, yes I’m talking about all your wooden carpentry, cabinets and even mirror frames. Termites feel it’s their moral duty to rid them. Afterall that’s all the purpose they’ve been tasked with.Drywood Termites

Unfortunately for us, they do such a great job that we often find an infestation within our homes. Subtterenean Termites Species find their way through conduits; be it sewerage or cable. Any small hairline crack is all it takes for these guys to pave their way into your property. No height in a highrise is spared.

Drywood Termites on the other hand, create alates aka swarmers. As their name suggests, these are the flying ones. They are tasked with flying to a suitable area and continue their species. One male and one female alate aka reproductile find a suitable food source and setup shop.

Infestations are usually contained to a fixture and if undisturbed may remain within till the fixture is depleted. When agitated with pesticide, Drywood Termites tend to either migrate or produce alates. This usually results in the multiple fixtures being infested. Best thing to do if you notice Drywood Termites in your home is to replace that fixture soon.

Drywood Termites may also be brought into the premises when you purchase used furniture. So be careful when shopping at a garage sale. The last thing anyone wants is a Drywood Termite infestation.

Things you can do to deter Drywood Termites:

  • Educate yourself – Know what to look out for (Image) drywood termite droppings
  • Install Insect Screens at all openings in your home
  • Avoid used furniture
  • Storage units should be checked prior to storing your items

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