Termite Corrective & Preventive Treatment For Apartments
Termite Corrective & Preventive Treatment For Apartments We have been getting tons of calls for termite preventive treatments. As much as we are glad to get enquirers as it means it could very well be a sale. We don’t ever want to mislead clients. So this post is our attempt to educate the public on the misconceptions of preventive treatment. This article applies to homes not on the ground level. It applies to apartment buildings or any premises other than bungalows. Preventive treatment to Bungalows is possible as its external perimeter of the structure would be accessible. ONLY then can prevention treatment be properly carried out. First and foremost, there is no termite prevention treatment that can be employed for properties other than bungalows. Preventive treatment is to deter only subterranean termites species. There is no prevention for dry wood termites – Your best bet is to install screens to physically deter dry wood termite intrusion. Corrective treatment is a process that requires holes to be drilled surrounding your entire property (every half a meter – 30 to 40 cm deep). The foundation slab that your property is built on is breached and – Anti-Termite chemical will be injected into each drilled hole. The chemical seeps into the ground (soil) and bonds with the soil to create a barrier which deters termites from gaining access to your property from under ground. So if you are not staying in a bungalow, don’t bother with prevention because it would only be a waste of money. For apartments it is definitely out of the question so please don’t get fooled. a) There is absolutely no soil for the chemical to bond with. b) You would have a neighbor, one floor below – Drilling will disperse chemical into your neighbor’s property. c) Treating the perimeter of the whole building is neither practical or economically feasible. d) Semi-Detached houses have an adjoining wall to allow intrusion from neighboring side. (Both Houses Need To Employ MaxPest For Effectivity)