Pest Control For Restaurants & Renovation
Pest Control For Restaurants & Renovation Pest Control For Restaurants & Renovation. So you just received the keys to your new outlet and are excited to get going with renovation. However, hold on for just a minute more, and consider other possible issues: rodents are a common occurrence in food establishments. It is best to identify all potential intrusion points early on and rectify them. Maximum Pest Management can help with exactly that. We will conduct a detailed check to your premises and identify any concerns that we may have. The renovation process can be a very demanding one. The chances are you will have spent a long time finding, choosing and then buying tools, especially if you are doing any of the work yourself. With all of this time, effort and money you are putting in, you want your restaurant to be perfect at the end of it. The last thing you want is to finish your beautiful new restaurant, before realizing you have a rodent problem and having to close down barely before you’ve even reopened! It is best to address these issues at the offset, weaving rodent control into the design and renovation stage of opening a retail outlet to help minimize the risk of them getting into your location later on. By addressing these areas early on, you will deter your rodent issue or at least it will be a whole lot more manageable. If your premises is a stand alone unit, this process is much more simple. However, these days food establishments within malls hardly even have any doors and are completely an open concept. Even in these scenarios certain steps can be taken to minimise rodent activity within your premises. Just as you would want to reduce the risk of machine failure repeating with the fridges and ovens by hiring for an expert, you would want to reduce the risk of rodent intrusion. Conduits, piping leading down from false ceilings and gaps within the ceiling cavity are all areas of concerns. Floor traps, drains & numerous others will also need to be assessed to determine probable intrusion points.