Cockroach Pest Control 2Cockroach pest control in Singapore is mandatory for all food and beverage establishments. NEA has made it a prerequisite for application for a f&b license. In addition to maintaining good housekeeping practices, a detailed monthly pest control schedule should be maintained. Maximum Pest Management has a track record of zero cockroach infestation for all f&b outlets it handles.
Cockroaches are present in 98% of occupied premises. As cockroaches are nocturnal you would hardly have a chance to spot them. For every one you see, there could be numerous more in hiding and reproducing. Cockroach pest control starts with a thorough inspection of the premises. Our cockroach pest control evaluation will highlight cockroach infestations and steps to control the infestation. Recommendations to 100% eradicate cockroaches will be proposed and a subsequent maintenance program will be planned for your premises.


Cockroach Facts

Cockroach Pest Control 3

  • Entry: Cockroaches can enter your home through cracks, crevices, vents and drain pipes.
  • Ideal environment: Your home is an ideal breeding ground for cockroaches. With plenty of food, warmth, water and nesting sites.
  • Reproduction: Cockroaches reproduce quickly. For every one you see there can be many, many more hiding and multiplying.
  • Evasiveness: Because cockroaches are nocturnal, if you’ve seen one it is only indicative that it was forced out by overcrowding. A clear sign of severe infestation.
  • Harmful germs: The droppings, debris created by cast-off cockroach skin and carcass can aggravate allergies and spread disease.
  • Do-it-yourself: Cockroaches are better at hiding than you are at finding them. Their eggs are naturally protected from many over-the-counter pesticides.

Maximum Pest Management conducts free site inspections to assess your premises for cockroach pest control. We will explain to you our treatment methods and provide you with a cockroach pest control treatment plan to 100% eradicate cockroach infestation at your premises.

Book A Free Inspection